Model Rosette Ncwana strides on the wrong ramp floor as she finds herself in hot water

Model Rosette Ncwana finds herself embroiled in a legal battle as Ananda Medical and Aesthetics clinic owner, Renisha Jimmy, accuses her of defamation.

The dispute arose after Ncwana publicly criticized Jimmy, alleging that she lacked the necessary qualifications to operate the clinic and had been neglecting payment to staff and service providers.

Following the accusations, Ncwana made the decision to sever ties with Ananda Aesthetics and its owner.

In a statement addressing the situation, she expressed deep disappointment over the revelations regarding the clinic’s business practices.

“Recent revelations about Ananda Aesthetics’ business practices have deeply dismayed me, leading to this difficult course of action,” Ncwana stated.

Ncwana further elaborated on the financial discrepancies that prompted her decision to distance herself from the clinic.

“Renisha Jimmy has failed to meet financial obligations to numerous individuals who have availed services or purchased products from Ananda Aesthetics, including multiple investors, myself included,” she revealed.

The model lamented the breach of trust and commitment that had initially led her to invest in the business.

Despite her active involvement with Ananda Aesthetics, Ncwana expressed regret over being unaware of the distressing events unfolding within the clinic.

“Despite my active involvement, I remained unaware of the distressing events that unfolded under my nose,” she acknowledged.

As the legal dispute unfolds between Rosette Ncwana and Renisha Jimmy, the allegations and counterclaims shed light on the complexities surrounding their professional relationship.

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