Mob justice mercilessly beats man to death

The Provincial Commissioner of the police in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has warned communities that mob justice can never be justified.

The warning comes after a 41-year-old victim was brutally attacked and left to die in the middle of the street in Vosman in the crack of dawn on Saturday, 08 July 2023.

The shocking revelations were cascaded to the victim’s sister by a concerned citizen who saw the victim being severely assaulted, laying helpless in the street at about 04:00.

The victim’s sister headed to the scene where she found her motionless brother who was still breathing.

The victim unfortunately succumbed to his injuries shortly after his sister’s arrival and was certified dead by medical practitioners.

A murder case in relation to this mob justice is under investigation and thus far, no one has been arrested.

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Police urge anyone with information regarding the perpetrators to call the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111 or send information via MYSAPS APP. All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

Meanwhile the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela further pleaded with community members to join in the fight against crime by working hand-in-hand with the Police through legitimate structures like Community Police Forums in their respective areas. “Whenever anyone has committed a crime, community members have the responsibility to report such incidents to the authorities. We had incidents of vigilantism whereby victims were assaulted whilst others were killed by those who wanted to settle a score as a revenge to their differences. This conduct does not help the situation at all but instead, it escalates crime,” emphasized the General.

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