Man sees the police and runs, here’s why

In an effort to eradicate drug peddling in the society, police in Kriel arrested two suspects aged 25 and 45. The suspects were found in possession of suspected drugs at Rietspruit in Kriel yesterday, Tuesday 11 July 2023. Police acted on a tip-off after a whistle blower alerted them about a man who was carrying a plastic bag suspected to be loaded with drugs.

Police then advanced to the area as per direction given and found a man fitting the description of the suspect.

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Upon noticing the men and women in Blue, he reportedly tried to shy away from the plastic bag that he was holding. However, police got hold of him. After checking what was contained inside the plastic bag, police discovered about nine pinches of substances wrapped in small plastics. The substances are suspected to be Nyaope which is worth about R360 in street value.

Man found with drugs

Nyaope found in a plastic bag

Shortly after the suspect was arrested, police were amazed when they noticed someone who immediately took to his heels as he saw the police.

Police then gave a chase and cornered him as soon as he entered a house nearby.

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He was then searched by the Police whereby 12 plastic bags containing some substance of powder, believed to be Nyaope were found in his possession. The street value thereof is estimated to be at about R480.

Man runs after seeing the police

Drugs found in a cornered man

Both suspects are expected to appear at the Ga-nala Magistrate’s Court today, Wednesday 12 July 2023. As part of the investigation, the confiscated substances will be subjected to some form of testing at the forensic laboratory.

The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has gladly welcomed the success whilst appreciating the partnership displayed by both members of the community members and the police. “To win a fight against crime, it is very important not to work in silos but to work jointly. Through successes that police members continually achieve, we hope that the exercise will somehow assist in restoring trust from the public,” said Lieutenant General Manamela

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