A man dies soon after he heard a knock from someone demanding beer

Police are looking for suspects after a man was killed on Wednesday night, 16 November, in Duncan village

The deceased is said to have been with his girlfriend at Zuzo Street Duncan Village around 21:00 when suddenly he heard a knock at the door and heard someone requesting entrance while also asking for a beer.

When the victim refused to open the door, the suspects began to shoot through the door, striking the dead man’s upper body twice.

Then three suspects forced the door open and continued to fire at the victim. The three suspects then made off on foot from the location.

No harm came to the girlfriend who was hiding behind the couch.

The motive for the shooting is unknown at this stage. A Murder case has been opened and investigation is ongoing.

In a separate incident the body of a man who is believed to be 35-year-old male was found lying on the road after residents heard gunshots at Toilet City Duncan Village.

When the police arrived at the scene, the man was found with bullet wounds on his body.

No arrest has been effected and a murder case has been opened for investigation.


Also read: Man rapes and murders his biological mother

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