Man caught raping a disabled woman

On 17 December 2022 at about 06:00, children came running to the complainant who resides at a hostel in Meloding and told him about an African man who entered the premises and instructed them to keep quiet.

The complainant rushed to one of the rooms situated in the hostel and the suspect was found in the act, raping a 24-year-old woman living with a disability. Meloding SAPS members were called to the scene of the crime and the suspect was arrested for rape.

Must read: Woman found brutally raped and stabbed

The man is expected to appear at Meloding magistrate court on 19 December 2022.

Meanwhile, following the rape of a 16-year-old victim, a 20-year-old suspect is scheduled to appear before the Nkomazi Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 19 December 2022.

The victim’s mother reported that at around 19:30 on 14 December 2022, the child was sent to the store.

The victim allegedly went to the store with the suspect, who she knows well and trusts. On their way home, the culprit is said to have pulled the girl to an unfinished building where he sexually assaulted her.

Police were notified of the incident, and they quickly arrested the perpetrator.

Must read: Zimbabwean priest raped women, tied them to trees, and left them to die

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