Malema says ANC is like a used condom

“The ANC is like a used condom that will be thrown away whenever they are done using it,” those are the words from Julius Malema.

Julius Malema, the head of the EFF, said that a ruling party is a tool employed by “white monopoly capital” to deceive South Africans.

Malema spoke to party members on Sunday at the EFF People’s Assembly in Gauteng.
He accused the ANC of deceiving Gauteng citizens. This is after President Cyril Ramaphosa assured Alexandra’s people that the government will build one million homes.

“Our people are being misled by the ANC that the problem in their lives begins with fellow Africans. This is an election tactic by the ANC that has failed to give our people houses in Alexandra after promising them 1-million houses in 2019,” said Malema.

“As Pan-Africanists, we must state unequivocally that Africans are not our enemies. White monopoly capital, the owners of the means of production, and those who stole our land and are still in control of stolen goods are our enemies.

“The ANC is not our enemy but it is a tool used by the enemy to perpetuate the interest of the enemy forces. Therefore, rather than labeling the ANC as an enemy, we should understand that it is more like a used condom that will be thrown away whenever it is no longer needed.

Malema claimed that eventually the EFF and ANC’s conflicts will be resolved and that they would become “one huge African family.”

It cannot be the case that when we disagree with the ANC or other black groups, we believe our issues cannot be resolved.

The accused corrupt ANC members and Phophi Ramathuba, the Limpopo health MEC, were also targeted by the red beret commander.

Malema claimed that the ANC “should have understood there is a problem in Zimbabwe and built the capacity of SA to accept the people of Zimbabwe if needs arise.”

“You cannot claim that there are insufficient resources when there is a severe corruption problem in the nation. More beds could have been purchased with the money they are stealing.

When there are family gatherings, you shouldn’t be like that wealthy aunt who acts like she is the best part of the family because one day, we will all need to be family.

Also read: More than 700 000 Zimbabweans live in SA

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