Love triangle ends tragically as teen mum aged 16 is killed by 28-year-old woman she shared a man with

A love triangle in Delft took a deadly turn when 16-year-old Owethu Cako was stabbed to death on New Year’s Day.

The incident occurred in Suburban, and it is believed that the motive behind the murder was a romantic rivalry between Owethu and a 28-year-old woman who was also involved with the same man.

According to reports, Owethu had been in a relationship with the 20-year-old man for around two years.

However, when she became pregnant last year, tensions escalated between her and the older woman. In a shocking act of violence, the suspect allegedly attempted to stab Owethu in the stomach.

The situation had become so dangerous that Owethu’s friend and her mother had also been targeted by the suspect.

The friend’s mother, who wishes to remain anonymous, revealed that her daughter had been injured multiple times while trying to defend Owethu.

She explained, “The suspect would stop them on the road and attack them.”

Tragically, on the day of Owethu’s death, the friend was also stabbed several times in the arms, hands, and face.

The attack has left her traumatized, not only because of the physical injuries but also because she lost her best friend in the process.

Speaking about the root cause of the animosity, the friend’s mother revealed that it all started in 2022 due to Owethu’s boyfriend. She stated, “The rivalry started in 2022.”

The heartbreaking incident has shocked the community of Delft and serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences that can arise from jealousy and rivalry.

Also Read: Man bludgeoned his ex-girlfriend to death with a hammer after she refused to take him back

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