Lonwabo is a ghost that hangs around the streets, see reason below


Lonwabo worked as a security guard, that night he slept over at a friend’s house. Whilst sleeping his friend stabbed him in the chest and back. He died and was buried on the 28th of November. The mother and sister were with him when doctors pronounced him dead. The killer is currently out on bail. A traditional healer was called to do the traditional things on his body and at his gravesite.

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Since his burial 3 people have reported seeing him. A lady saw him roaming the streets of Kwa Zakhele at 10 pm, he was unresponsive just staring ahead. A gentleman saw him sitting outside Truck Inn. He would not speak, stared ahead, and appeared very tired. The man took photos of Lonwaba almost two weeks after he was buried.

Grave of Lonwabo

The photos have been confirmed by his direct family that it is indeed Lonwaba. His half-brother contacted me to please explain what was going on and if it was possible Lonwaba is still alive.
Photos included showing Lonwaba before death after death and at his gravesite.

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Firstly, the Diva does not believe that Lonwabo was bewitched. Most African cultures believe that a ritual must be performed so that the spirit of the deceased is at peace to journey on to the ancestors. If a dead soul is not at rest or the ritual is not performed properly the spirit will be earthbound until it finds peace. They believe the body perishes at death but the soul is immortal.

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Lonwabo is not at rest. He has been wandering around, trying to find his peace. Indeed, some people have truly seen his spirit and recognized him. Although they tried to communicate with him he appeared catatonic because they could not hear one another. It takes a certain type of experienced or gifted person to communicate with spirit.

Lonwabo before he died

It took a while but today the Diva crossed over and spoke to Lonwabo. All he wants is to deliver a message to Thulani Mthimkhulu, his killer, his friend that he loved so much, who is out of jail on bail. Lonwabo told the Diva it was hard for him to accept that his best friend would kill him. He said they were drinking a lot and argued about a young girl they both liked. He passed out and that is when he was stabbed twice. Thulani was jealous of him

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He is upset and does not want to be dead because he had future plans to study further whilst being a security guard. His mother has suffered a lot and he wanted to make money to give her a better life, he was her only hope as a son. Now he can’t do that.
His Grandfather, an ancestor (I think maternal side), is waiting for him to join them but Lonwabo wants Thulani to apologize to his mother and that Thulani or his family must give his mother money or look after her. He will not be at peace until this is done as his mother is suffering

Lonwabo knew his mother would not come to the Diva as she would rather go to a Sangoma so he made his half-brother contact me, as Lonwabo knew through the Diva his message would be heard

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