Lack of Bafana support from white citizens irks Julius Malema

The lack of support from white South Africans at Bafana Bafana’s arrival back from the AFCON has left EFF president Julius Malema and member Carl Niehaus disappointed.

Malema highlighted the contrast between Bafana’s reception and the welcome the Springboks received after winning the Rugby World Cup last year.

Malema expressed his disappointment, stating, “We must be stronger together, all sporting codes must not be selective and racialised, wherein the whole country comes to see Bafana.”

He emphasized the need for unity and inclusivity in supporting all sports, regardless of race.

He also urged people to continue loving themselves, regardless of the love they receive from others.

Niehaus echoed Malema’s sentiments, expressing his disappointment at the lack of white people present at the airport to welcome Bafana.

He directly compared it to the reception the Springboks received, stating that the difference was clear.

The disparity in support between Bafana Bafana and the Springboks raises questions about racial divisions in South African sports.

It highlights the need for a more inclusive and united approach to supporting all sporting codes in the country.

Sports have the power to bring people together and should not be used as a platform for racial divisions.

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