KZN man goes on the rampage raping 4 boys

A 42-year-old man from Imbali accused of raping four boys over a period of at least two years has abandoned his bid for bail.

The man, whose identity remains undisclosed due to the sensitive nature of the allegations, appeared in the Pietermaritzburg Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday following his arrest earlier this year.

According to the charge sheet, the first reported case dates back to January 2022 when the man allegedly raped a 10-year-old boy in Imbali Unit 18.

The court further heard that the same child fell victim to repeated assaults between January 2022 and February 2024.

Additionally, a 14-year-old boy was allegedly subjected to similar violence, although the specific date of the incident was not specified in the charge sheet.

Furthermore, two more boys, aged five and 13, were reportedly assaulted by the accused on or around February 23 in Imbali.

The initial court appearance of the accused prompted residents of Imbali to protest outside the courthouse, demanding that he be denied bail.

In response to the gravity of the allegations and the outcry from the community, the man decided to forgo his application for bail, choosing to remain in custody.

He is scheduled to appear before the regional court on July 8 for further legal proceedings.

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