Julius Malema is fuming. See why

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is feeling a sense of nostalgia for former President Jacob Zuma after their recent court defeat.

The party’s attempt to prevent parliament from implementing new rules against disrupting the president’s state of the nation address (Sona) through points of order was unsuccessful.

This has left the party reminiscing about their past confrontations with Zuma.

EFF leader Julius Malema expressed his frustration, stating, “We fought with [Jacob] Zuma, Zuma has never banned us from going to parliament.”

Malema’s sentiment reflects the party’s belief that Zuma, despite their disagreements, never took measures to prevent them from attending parliamentary sessions.

However, the EFF’s current situation is far from ideal.

Parliament has already suspended Malema, his deputy Floyd Shivambu, and four others for the entire month of February, effectively barring them from attending the upcoming Sona on Thursday.

This suspension adds to the party’s growing frustration with the new rules being implemented.

On Tuesday, the EFF faced yet another setback when the Western Cape High Court dismissed their urgent application to suspend chapter 2 of parliament’s joint rules.

These rules state that “no member may interrupt the president while [he is] delivering the state of the nation address.”

The EFF had argued that these rules were specifically designed to target their members and prevent them from attending the Sona.

During Zuma’s presidency, the EFF gained notoriety for their disruptive behaviour in parliament.

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