Jacob Zuma’s older brother, Joseph Zuma,dies soon after casting his vote

Former president Jacob Zuma’s elder brother, Joseph Zuma, passed away on Tuesday, the day after casting his special vote.

Joseph Zuma, 83, succumbed to a long illness following a stroke he suffered last year, prior to the founding of the Umkhonto Wesizwe party.

The family informed Scrolla.Africa that Joseph managed to cast his special vote at his homestead in KwaNxamalala, just a few meters from his brother Jacob’s residence.

Joseph’s daughter, Neli Zuma, stated that her father had been ill since last year.

“My father suffered a stroke early last year before the formation of Umkhonto Wesizwe. He died peacefully at home on Tuesday. He left two wives and nine children,” she said.

In 2018, Joseph accused the ANC of humiliating his brother by not waiting for him to finish his second term of office before recalling him as president.

“This does not show justice. I don’t think they should have allowed him to be removed like this,” he said.

He said Zuma had no role in former president Thabo Mbeki’s recall in 2008.

“Even when Mbeki was recalled, it was not Zuma who removed him but the ANC that made that decision. And now they make it as if he was also part of that,” he said.

Joseph was Jacob Zuma’s only surviving sibling after the passing of Michael Zuma in 2021.The family has not yet finalised a funeral date.


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