Jealous classmates burn 15-year-old Qaphela

In 2016, at the tender age of 15, a young boy was burned alive. It’s a tragedy that no one should go through, especially at such a young age. Here is the tragic story of Qaphela Titus Gobodo. Qaphela.

On the day of his ordeal, Qaphela was attacked by Four boys. The boys were walking behind him when one of the boys struck him in the head, causing Qaphela to fall to the ground. His attackers drenched him in paraffin or thinners before setting him alight. After his desperate attempt to save himself, he was taken to Paarl Hospital by ambulance.

Before and after the ordeal pictures


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All of this happened because of jealous classmates . He received a rugby bursary from Hoerskool Garsfontein in Pretoria. He was also the only outstanding black player among his classmates.

Qaphela received zero support, instead, he was often made fun of when he returned to school. He didn’t care what his peers thought of him or how he looked. All he wanted was to get better so he could get back on the field and play rugby.

Sadly Qaphela wasn’t receiving the best medical care because his mother lacked the money to pay for it. He soon resumed rugby training and is on the road to full recovery.

Now at the age of 22, Qaphela is a motivational speaker and has also released his book.

Jealous pupils burned Qaphela

Book released by Qaphela Gobodo

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“I started playing in primary school and through the years I thrived in rugby, until the incident,” he said.

Gobodo said the aim of the book was to rebuild confidence and inspire acceptance of those with physical scars.

“It’s all about everything I went through. I am telling my story and I am hoping the book will inspire anyone who has scars and is afraid to show them to the world.

’’There are people who are scared to talk about their scars and they hide them. This book is about telling my story to inspire those people,” he said.


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