Itumeleng Khune Welcomes Controversial Captaincy Stripping

A source close to Kaizer Chiefs veteran goalkeeper Itumeleng Khune has revealed that the goalkeeper welcomed the club’s decision to strip him of his captaincy, calling it a good decision.

Khune was stripped of his captaincy after allegedly attending training under the influence of alcohol, and was subsequently suspended by the club.

Itumeleng Khune has accepted his fate at Kaizer Chiefs

Itumeleng Khune has accepted his fate at Kaizer Chiefs

Khune is said to believe that what he did was wrong and that he should lead by example.

What was said about Khune

“I think someone like him is experienced enough to know that the club did the right thing about revoking his captaincy. It’s a good example for any current or future players at the club to know that they won’t let such things just slide away,” said the informant.

Kaizer Chiefs made sure to make an example out of Khune after his ill behaviour

Kaizer Chiefs made sure to make an example out of the former captain after his ill behaviour

“He feels bad because he has been well-behaved for all these years and something like this happens to him at the later stages of his career. But he is a big boy, he will bounce back from this.”

Kaizer Chiefs announced on the 7th of December their decision to strip the South African legend of his captaincy on the 7th of December.

“At the conclusion of the Club’s rigorous disciplinary processes last week, the committee has taken stern action and decided that Itumeleng Khune should be temporarily separated from the team until certain conditions have been fulfilled.”

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