It ended in bloodshed for 3 thieves after Tembisa community screamed “Vimba”

Three suspected criminals met a gruesome fate at the hands of enraged residents in the Sophiatown informal settlement in Tembisa, Gauteng, on Sunday night.

The men, believed to have been terrorizing the community, were hunted down, captured, and subjected to a brutal attack involving stoning, beating, and necklacing.

According to reports, burnt tyres and bloodstains were discovered near one of the bodies, which was found near a stream in the Kanana section.

The violent incident unfolded across three crime scenes, with police presence observed at each location.

Sakkie Moahlong, a public safety representative for the city of Johannesburg in Rabie Ridge, shed light on the events leading up to the fatal attack.

Moahlong explained, “The men were accused of terrorizing community members by robbing them and breaking into people’s homes. On the night of the incident, the men were caught breaking into a resident’s home, prompting the community to rally together with shouts of ‘Vimba!’ as a warning to corner the suspects.”

The escalation of crime in the area has instilled fear and frustration among residents, leading to a sense of helplessness in the face of recurring criminal activities.

While condemning the act of vigilantism, Moahlong acknowledged the prevalent challenges faced by the community, including murders, robberies, and other violent crimes.

Residents have expressed their exasperation with the perceived lack of effective law enforcement response to criminal activities in the area.

One resident noted, “We keep on reporting these criminals to the police, but they are often released within a day or two. The community decided to take matters into their own hands in a bid to protect themselves and deter criminals from preying on the community.”

Provincial police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Mavela Masondo urged residents to refrain from taking the law into their own hands, emphasizing the importance of allowing law enforcement agencies to investigate and address criminal incidents through legal channels.

Also Read: Woman who refused to use filthy tavern toilet ambushed by four men

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