I will audition until I become South Africa’s next top actress: Big Brother Mzansi evictee dreams big

Mbali “Mali” Miya, the first contestant to be officially evicted from Big Brother Mzansi after Bravo B was sacked, has her sights set on a successful acting career.

Despite her early exit from the show, the 25-year-old from Tembisa remains determined to make her mark in the industry.

“I still feel quite sad that I got evicted… being in the house was so nice. I was getting along with everyone but I guess it is what it is – it’s part of the game. It’s unfortunate that it had to be me who’d be the first one out,” Miya shared with Sowetan.

Miya sees the show as an opportunity to grow and establish herself in the entertainment industry.

She has noticed that many contestants who have participated in the competition have gone on to achieve success, and she hopes to follow in their footsteps.

“As much as I wanted the money, I know I will make it in life.

I intend to take acting seriously, and now that people know who Mbali is, they will surely know me when I appear on their television sets,” Miya confidently stated.

Known for her feisty personality and extremely long nails, Miya was surprised by the fascination viewers had with her nails.

She explained that the long nails were a result of her previous job as a “sparkle girl” at a club, where having the longest nails and lashes was a source of competition among the staff.

During her time on the show, Miya also opened up about her sexuality, identifying herself as a bi-curious person who is attracted to anyone she feels a connection with.

While she found the men in the house attractive, she admitted that she was more drawn to Zinhle “Zee” Mofokeng.

With her eviction behind her, Miya is determined to pursue her acting dreams with passion and dedication.

She plans to audition nonstop while juggling her responsibilities as an e-hailing taxi driver and club hostess.

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