“I left my wife there, when I came back, my wife had died,” says grieving husband

For an entire year, George Botlhoko kept a plastic wrap from a sandwich his daughter, Bonolo Modiseemang, had eaten hours before she died . On September 6, he handed it to the police, believing it could help in investigating her death that happened in August the previous year. A month later, Modiseemang’s body was exhumed, leading to evidence collection and the subsequent arrest of her aunt, Agnes Segomotso Setshwantsho.

Setshwantsho faces charges including Modiseemang’s murder, fraud, and defeating the ends of justice. The arrest forms part of an investigation into a series of unexplained deaths within the family, involving Setshwantsho’s toddler son, husband, and their two children.

Setshwantsho, who previously featured on Moja Love TV‘s Mamazala show, denied accusations of killing her husband in 2016.

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Bonolo Modiseemang left behind two young children. Her husband, Tebogo describes her sudden illness and vomiting before her passing.

“I asked her what was wrong and she said she ate a sandwich given to her by her aunt [Setshwantsho],” said Tebogo.

He said Setshwantsho and other relatives arrived and they rushed Modiseemang to a doctor suggested by Setshwantsho in Mmabatho.

“We drove there and on arrival I was told that consultation fee was R700 and I had only R300 on me. I left my wife there and went to withdraw more money and when I came back, my wife had died,” he said.

The family said they were told by authorities that Modiseemang had died of natural causes.

Tebogo revealed that on the day of Modiseemang’s funeral, Setshwantshi added herself in the program but failed to address his wife’s illness, instead she was discussing unrelated matters. Setshwantsho donated a cow for the funeral.

Tebogo informed his father-in-law, Batlhoko, about the sandwich eaten by his wife before her death, and Batlhoko kept the plastic wrap, suspecting foul play. Batlhoko intended to have it tested for poison by a private investigator.

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The family learned 10 days after Bonolo’s funeral that Setshwantsho had a R3m life insurance policy on Modiseemang, a fact they were unaware of.

Batlhoko handed the plastic bag to Sgt Keshi Mabunda on September 6, leading to Modiseemang’s body being exhumed on October 11 for a thorough investigation.

The family, estranged from Setshwantsho, expressed distress over her alleged actions, including bringing TV crews to their home. Setshwantsho, facing serious charges, had her bail opposed, and the case was postponed for a formal bail application.


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