I always doubted that my brother died of natural causes – alleged Insurance killer’s brother in law breaks silence.

The recent decision to exhume the remains of Justice Setshwantsho has brought a mix of relief and hope to his brother, Itireleng Setshwantsho.

Itireleng has long harboured suspicions about the circumstances surrounding his brother’s death and believes that the exhumation is a crucial step in uncovering the truth.

In an interview, Itireleng expressed his doubts, stating, “I have always doubted that my brother died of natural causes. There were too many unanswered questions, and I hope that his exhumation will finally shed light on what truly happened to him.”

These doubts have lingered for years, and Itireleng’s hopes for justice have only grown stronger with time.

The charges against Agnes Segomotsi Setshwantsho, Itireleng’s sister-in-law, have added weight to his suspicions.

Agnes stands accused of murder, fraud, and defeating the ends of justice in relation to the alleged killing of her niece, all for the sake of a R3 million life insurance payout.

The shocking nature of the alleged motive has further fueled Itireleng’s belief that his brother’s death was not a natural occurrence.

The exhumation of Justice’s remains offers a glimmer of hope for the Setshwantsho family.

It presents an opportunity for the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation and obtain concrete evidence regarding the cause of his death.

Itireleng acknowledges that the process may be emotionally challenging, but he firmly believes it is a necessary step towards uncovering the truth and achieving justice for his brother.

He added that the family would wait for justice to prevail without playing the blame game.


Must read: Digging deeper into the insurance policy murderer

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