Hawks hunt for scam artist. See what he did

Alleged scam artist Cheslyn Swartz is a wanted man as the Hawks have issued a warrant of arrest for his capture.

Swartz is accused of selling dreams of riches through an advance fee investment scam, where victims are required to pay money upfront in order to release a larger sum of cash or a substantial financial reward.

Unfortunately, many people have fallen victim to this scam and lost their life savings.

Swartz is a suspect in several cases throughout South Africa relating to this fraudulent scheme.

He would allegedly sell non-existent financial investments, promising huge returns that never materialized.

To further the scam, Swartz is believed to have provided fabricated and manipulated banking documents, as well as sending voice notes to victims promising payouts.

Investigator Chad Thomas of IRS Forensic Investigations has been working closely with authorities to unravel the complexity of this scam.

He explains, “He allegedly took money from people looking for investors to raise so-called ‘financial instruments’.”

Thomas emphasizes that these promised financial gains never actually materialize, leaving victims devastated and financially ruined.
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