Grow up and stop being a cry baby – Former F1 driver blasts Lewis Hamilton

In a recent interview, former British Formula 1 racer Perry McCarthy has advised Lewis Hamilton not to dwell on the lack of support he received in his early days in the sport.

McCarthy, who drove with the Andrea Moda team in the 1992 F1 season, believes that Hamilton had a unique opportunity with McLaren and should be grateful for the support he did receive.

“Lewis shouldn’t cry too much about lack of support,”

McCarthy stated. “He had something that a lot of people would’ve dreamed of having. That was someone like Ron Dennis, the head of McLaren, coming and believing in you.”

McCarthy acknowledges that Hamilton had the chance to prove himself and did so with exceptional talent and dedication.

“Lewis is and was brilliant, that was it. So Lewis had the chance and he strangled that chance with every shred of his soul, so he repaid. But Lewis shouldn’t talk too much about lack of opportunities.”

Hamilton burst onto the Formula 1 scene in 2007, racing for McLaren alongside Fernando Alonso.

Despite narrowly missing out on the world championship that year, Hamilton went on to win the drivers’ title in 2008 and has since become one of the most successful drivers in F1 history, securing a total of seven world championships.

Hamilton has yet to respond to McCarthy’s comments, but it serves as a reminder for him and other athletes to appreciate the support they have received throughout their careers.

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