Goalkeeper fired by club just 12 hours after joining. He let in 4 goals and head butted a fan

Goalkeeper Lewis Patching, who was swiftly sacked just twelve hours after joining Rushden & Diamonds, has issued an apology for his regrettable behaviour following a clash with a fan.

Patching, an emergency signing for the seventh-tier club, found himself in hot water after a disappointing debut that culminated in a 4-0 home loss to Lye Town.

The incident unfolded at a bar where Patching reportedly headbutted a supporter who had been critical of his performance.

The Northern Premier League team wasted no time in terminating the 22-year-old’s contract, prompting Patching to address the situation on social media.

In his apology, Patching expressed remorse for his actions, stating, “Firstly, I’d like to apologize to the supporter involved and Rushden & Diamonds FC for the events that took place Saturday evening.”

He went on to explain that he felt threatened and reacted out of fear for his safety, acknowledging that his response was regrettable.

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