Gayton McKenzie vows to expose the DA for lying

Patriotic Alliance leader Gayton McKenzie has launched a scathing attack against the Democratic Alliance (DA), vowing to expose what he believes are lies behind the party’s claims of better governance in the Western Cape.

McKenzie accuses the DA of neglecting poorer communities in favour of affluent urban areas.

According to McKenzie, the DA has misled the country by claiming to deliver better services, while in reality, poorer communities lack basic necessities such as water and electricity.

He points out the stark contrast between the well-maintained infrastructure in predominantly white areas compared to the dilapidated conditions in poorer communities.

“They can’t privatise security, they can’t put solar panels on their roof, they can’t send their children to private schools when our schooling system fails. So the biggest beneficiaries of a government that works for the people, that spends every cent of public money on fixing schools, hiring teachers, ensuring proper police personnel, ensuring that our water infrastructure is looked after and rolling out stable electricity — are poorer South Africans.”

In response, DA leader John Steenhuisen defends his party’s record, stating that the Western Cape has experienced over a decade of good governance since the DA came to power in 2009.

He emphasizes that the DA delivers clean and accountable government that benefits all South Africans, especially the poor.

Steenhuisen argues that poorer South Africans are the biggest beneficiaries of the DA’s government, as they cannot afford private security, solar panels, or private schools.

He asserts that the DA prioritizes spending public funds on improving schools, hiring teachers, ensuring proper police presence, maintaining water infrastructure, and providing stable electricity.

Steenhuisen credits Premier Alan Winde for continuing the legacy of former Premier Helen Zille, who served two terms before stepping down in May 2019.

He highlights Cape Town’s ranking as the top performing metro in the country as evidence of the DA’s effective governance.

This clash between McKenzie and Steenhuisen highlights the ongoing debate over the DA’s governance in the Western Cape.

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