Fire with fire – SADC Drivers Association threatens retaliation if foreign truckers are targeted during South Africa shutdown

Tensions are running high in South Africa’s trucking industry as the All Truck Drivers Forum and Allied South Africa (ATDF-ASA) prepare for a nationwide shutdown on Monday, with the SADC Drivers Association warning of retaliation if foreign drivers are attacked.

News24 reports that the shutdown, expected to disrupt major transport routes including the crucial N3 between Durban and Johannesburg, is aimed at protesting what the ATDF-ASA calls the displacement of South African truck drivers by foreign nationals. 

The SADC Drivers Association, representing drivers from the Southern African Development Community, has issued a strong warning, stating that any violence or intimidation directed at foreign truck drivers during the shutdown will be met with swift retaliation.

This escalating tension reflects a growing sentiment of xenophobia within South Africa’s trucking industry.

The ATDF-ASA argues that foreign drivers are being favored by companies due to lower wage demands and willingness to accept poorer working conditions, ultimately undermining the livelihoods of South African truckers.

While the ATDF-ASA insists the shutdown will be peaceful, the SADC Drivers Association’s warning raises serious concerns about the potential for violence and disruption. 

The presence of truck drivers from various nationalities operating within South Africa creates a volatile situation, particularly in the context of rising unemployment and economic hardship.

The South African government faces a significant challenge in balancing the right to peaceful protest with the need to ensure the safety and security of all individuals within its borders. 

Failure to address the underlying grievances fueling this tension could lead to further unrest and instability within the trucking industry and beyond.

Also Read: Foreign Spaza shop owners given a warning

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