Father caught in the act of rapping his daughter

A 27-year-old father has been arrested in the Namakgale policing area of Limpopo. This is for rapping his seven-year-old daughter. The incident happened in Majeje village.

The child was raped in the family home on Saturday last week, Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo said.

“The suspect, his wife, and their two young children were all sleeping in the same room. The mother woke up at night. She found out that her husband was not in their bed.”

“She was shocked when she saw her husband rapping their seven-year-old daughter and questioned him on the spot.” “The suspect assaulted her as revenge,” Mojapelo said.

The incident was reported to the police on Youth Day, and a rape case was filed.

“They found out that the sexual abuse started in February of this year, even though it was not reported.” The matter was taken to the FCS division, which deals with domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual abuse. “Soon after the case was opened, members of the community service center on patrol arrested the suspect,” Mojapelo said.

A father arrested for rapping his 7-year-old biological daughter

Meanwhile, the provincial commissioner of police in Limpopo, Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe, praised the officers who arrested the father and asked community members to report the same cases.

“I give praises to the members for arresting the suspect so quickly and stopping him from doing his horrible crimes,” she said. “I ask community members, especially parents, to report such incidents to the police so that our children are protected and justice is served,” she added.

The 27-year-old man is expected to appear in the Lulekani Magistrate’s Court on Monday to face rape charges.

They should know that it is the father’s fault

The mother and the children should be taken to counseling to help them cope with the ordeal. The mother and the victim must know that the suspect’s doings are not their fault. It’s sad to think that this child would have kept silent if the father hadn’t been caught in the act. This monster must be kept in prison until he is sentenced.

Also read: Kidnapper arrested in the act

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