Family accuses police of doing nothing after their son was shot dead

It has been over two years since bereavement struck the Edwards family.

Their son, Joshua, just 16 years old, lost his life in a senseless act of violence after he was shot dead by a friend.

The pain and grief inflicted upon them were only compounded by the perceived failure of the police and justice system to bring anyone to justice for their son’s death.

The Edwards family had trusted their son’s safety to a friend’s house, never suspecting the devastating outcome that awaited them.

The shock and disbelief they experienced upon receiving the call that Joshua had been shot and killed by his own friend is indescribable.

However, as time passed, the Edwards family’s hope for justice slowly faded away.

Despite the thorough investigation conducted by the police, no one was ever convicted for Joshua’s death. This left the family feeling betrayed and abandoned by the very system meant to protect them.

“We entrusted our son’s life to the care of others, and they failed him. But what hurts even more is the feeling that the justice system failed us, failed Joshua,” said Tim.

Julie Edwards, Joshua’s mother, echoes her husband’s sentiments, saying, “Every day, we wake up to the reality that our son’s killer is still out there, free. It’s a constant reminder of the injustice we’ve endured.”

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