Enyobeni tavern tragedy real cause of death

On Sunday, 26 June 2022, the country woke up to the news that sent shockwaves worldwide. It was reported that 22 bodies were found dead at Enyobeni Tavern.


The total death toll is 21 teenagers.17 bodies were found laying dead across the tavern. Two people died at the local clinic, one died on the way to the hospital while another died in hospital. This is according to the South African Police Service (SAPS).

It is said that a big group of people came to a pens down party. They were allegedly hosting somewhere close to Enyobeni Tavern. This group later decided to go to the tavern and forced to go inside.

The two security guards struggled to manage the crowd as there is only one entrance and exit. They tried turning off the music to gain control but people started singing their songs and stayed.

There was pushing involved and some sort of stampede. However, this is not the cause of death as the victims had no visible injuries.

The Enyobeni tavern’s alleged cause of death

Enyobeni tragedy alleged real cause of death

It is alleged that the security decided to close the door and pepper spray, everyone, inside the club. This is because many people were pushing each other as they entered and exited the tavern.

The people allegedly died because they could not breathe. They were stuck in one place with no air coming just breathing in pepper spray, some even fell down and never got back up they got stepped on

It is further alleged that Enyobeni security or managers normally spray pepper spray when it’s too full or when they are closing. This is to chase people out of the venue which usually works. Sadly, this time they did so not knowing that people could not move to go out due to overcrowding and they just kept on spraying.

A survivor says that management and security managed the event well until the big group from outside invaded.

Also read: 21 Teenagers found dead at a tavern latest developments


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