Cyan Boujee dragged for dancing suggestively for school children

A video of Cyan Boujee’s suggestive dance has spread like wildfire on social media, causing a storm of controversy and outrage among South Africans.

Many people are appalled by her behaviour and believe that it was highly inappropriate for her to perform such a dance in front of schoolchildren.

Parents and educators argue that school is supposed to be a safe and educational environment for children, and this kind of explicit content has no place there.

They worry about the negative influence it may have on impressionable young minds and fear that it may encourage inappropriate behaviour or attitudes.

Others are concerned about the message it sends to young girls.

Cyan Boujee is known for her provocative and sexually suggestive content on social media, and many believe that her performance at the school reinforces harmful stereotypes and objectifies women.

They argue that it is important to promote positive role models and empower young girls to value themselves beyond their physical appearance.

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