Cope President gets suspended

Cope President Mosiuoa “Terror” Lekota has been relieved of his duties. This is because he is too weak to pilot the ship.

Following a meeting of Cope’s congress national committee (CNC) on Sunday, he was suspended on Monday.

He will be the subject of a disciplinary process during his suspension. The conclusion of this might determine his future in politics as the head of the ANC splinter group.

Lekota has reportedly been requested to take a break on numerous occasions. Due to his “lack of energy and strength,” according to Cope deputy president Willy Madisha.

“He agreed on all those instances, but he did not do so,” Madisha alleged.

Additionally, the CNC has instructed the party’s CEC to speak with Lekota about “the work you undertake in parliament on behalf of the party.”

Cope suspends it's president

Further alleged reasons for Lekota’s suspension include:

  • the role he plays in dividing Cope;
  • frequent meetings he convenes to form parallel structures in Cope, which are made to organise and compete against each other instead of building and uniting the party;
  • promoting actions against which Cope was formed, which include corruption and the removal of elected leaders and representatives such as councillors; and
  • frail health conditions which make him unable to perform and attend to the work of parliament.

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