Cope media briefing ends in tears

Disgruntled party members stormed the Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg on Wednesday, disrupting a press conference. The conference was by suspended Cope president Mosiuoa Lekota intended to explain the factional fighting plaguing his party.

Police called at cope media briefing

The disgruntled members entered the location and attempted to disrupt the media briefing. They claimed Lekota had been suspended and had no right to speak on the party’s behalf.

One of the disgruntled members was a Cope youth leader who introduced himself as Takalane Raidani.

As Raidani approached the podium where Lekota, Cope chairwoman Tebogo Loate, and other party leaders were speaking to the media. Thats when punches started flying.

Raidani and his crew continued to yell that Lekota and those speaking to the media had no right to do so. This is because they were no longer in authority following his suspension on Monday.

Lekota was suspended by the party’s congress national committee (CNC). Which is the highest decision-making body.

In the briefing, they gave the reasons for Lekota’s precautionary suspension. His failing health, his polarizing nature, and possible corruption.

Suspended Cope leader defends himself

Lekota denied reports that his health was failing, calling them rumours.

He declared he had prostate cancer and had to take a break from leading the party while undergoing treatment. He was however confident that he is still in good enough health.

“As you can see, I’m quite alive, I’m not weak. I’m willing to perform whatever task is required of me.

I was driving across the country shortly before getting a prostate cancer diagnosis, and I still do because I don’t have a driver. Therefore, I don’t understand why people would spread rumours that I am now headed for the grave, Lekota said.

He also denied the claim that corruption had grown under his watch.

Lekota claims to have convened the CNC meeting where the party’s leaders were to nominate a new general secretary and deputy general secretary to fill the positions left vacant by the resignation of the previous general secretary and the death of Papi Kganare.

He said Madisha, Bloem, and Hleko made a decision not to attend the meeting, but it nevertheless took place since the required quorum was reached.

Lekota and his group claimed that, rather than the group led by Madisha, they were actually in the leadership of the party as it was at the time.

He claimed that a camera had been broken during the dissatisfied members’ attempted attack and said they will file a police report.

To get rid of the three people who tried to attack Lekota, police had to be summoned.

Also read: Cope President gets suspended

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