Collins Chabane Mayor shot and killed

Moses Maluleke, who is the municipality mayor of Collins Chabane has been shot dead in his home village. He was killed in Shikundu, outside Malamulele, Limpopo.

Moses Maluleke also referred to as “Big-Moss,” is a politician from South Africa. He is currently Collins Chabane Local Municipality’s second mayor.

Maluleke was born in the village of Xikundu. Which is located outside of Malamulele, and attended Xikundu High School till he graduated. This was before beginning his tertiary studies at Tivumbeni College of Education.

Collins Chabane mayor has died

The political life of Moses Maluleke

Growing up as an activist in the ANC, ANCYL, SACP, and COSATU, Maluleke found it easy to become acquainted with student politics during his tertiary studies.

Maluleke was chosen to serve in the Tivumbeni College of Education’s Students Representative Council in 1988.

Since 1990, Maluleke has also held the position of Chairperson of the African National Congress Branch Executive Committee.

Maluleke was additionally chosen to hold the position of Treasurer for the ANC Sub-region.

Following the Local Government Elections in 2016. The ANC sent Maluleke to the district level to serve and represent the ANC as a Councillor and member of the Mayoral Committee.

Maluleke was elected to serve as a member of the ANC Regional Executive Committee in the Vhembe area, where he is currently serving as the ANC Deputy Secretary, demonstrating the ANC’s recognition of his ability to lead the ANC.

Becoming mayor of Collins Chabane

Maluleke began his first day in office by filling the Saselamani stadium during the opening of the stadium, the official handing over of electricity at Mabandla in Malamulele, as well as the launch of the Collins Chabane Sports Council. In December 2018, the Council of Collins Chabane Local Municipality decided the majority rights to deploy Maluleke to serve as the new Mayor of Collins Chabane Local Municipality.

Collins Chabane, the late minister of public administration and services, closely supervised and trained Maluleke.

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