Cartels run Eskom?

Just when you thought you have heard it all about alleged corruption at Eskom by the ANC. This comes after Andre De Ruyter’s explosive television interview on ENCA. De Ruyter said available evidence showed that the governing ANC saw Eskom as an “eating trough.” There is now allegations that cartels also have a hand in the corruption at Eskom.

Cartels logo

CrimeInSA alleges that Cartels are responsible for getting illegal tenders and the sabotaging of Eskom. The cartels are namely Presidential Cartel, Mesh Kings Cartel, Legendaries Cartel, Chief Cartel and MoneyTalks Team. These teams consists of Police Brigadiers, Ministers, Politicians and very influential people.

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Majority of these team members are from Mpumalanga. It is said that they are well- known in the communities for shutting down Power stations in Mpumalanga. One of the Cartels slogan is “Nothing About us Without us” The team members proudly wear T-shirts branded with MYANC logo and their logos.

Cartels bill

These Cartels are well known around the clubbing circles for affluent lifestyle, driving luxury vehicles, spending R500 000 at a club washing their hands using expensive 15 years Whisky.

It is alleged that they’re responsible for Illegal procurement processes where people are paid off. Some employees of Eskom are paid off to carry out the sabotaging of conveyer belts & railway line feeding Majuba power station. The cartels allegedly want coal to be transported by trucks.

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