BREAKING| Chicco Twala gets his son Longwe Twala arrested

Longwe Twala, the son of renowned music producer Sello “Chicco” Twala, broke into his father’s studio and stole his father’s music equipment worth thousands of rands.

This was confirmed by Longwe’s father, Twala, who said Longwe committed the robbery with his brother Sello Twala.

According to Sunday World the incident happened when Twala was abroad in the US. It is unclear when the incident happened.

“Good or bad publicity I don’t care. I won’t sit and watch a drug addict continuously stealing from me and be silent,” said Twala in a statement.

“Yes, I can confirm that when I was in the USA, my son Longwe and his brother Sello Twala colluded and stole my equipment in the studio.

“Longwe whom I chased away a while ago because of his drug addiction jumped the high walls, broke into my studio, and stole my stuff.


“I saw the likes of the late Hope Zinde, and many parents killed by their own flash and blood because of this drug addiction. Him and his younger brother have been stealing from me for a long time. Hence, I decided that enough was enough… Let them rot in jail,” said Twala.

A source close to the incident said a case has been opened at the Douglasdale police station.

“Case was opened at Douglasdale police station. They broke into their father’s studios while on drugs and stole equipment worth thousands,” said the source.

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