Brazilian star Neymar caught doing something ‘VERY INAPPROPRIATE’ at his daughters birthday party

Brazilian football star Neymar has faced criticism from fans after a video surfaced showing him seemingly preoccupied with his phone during his daughter’s birthday celebration.

The Sun released a video, which captured Neymar celebrating his daughter Mavie’s half birthday with his former partner Bruna Biancardi, sparked outrage among viewers.

In the heart-warming video, Neymar and Biancardi set aside their differences to sing happy birthday to their daughter.

However, sharp-eyed fans noticed that Neymar, instead of fully engaging in the celebration, was focused on his phone.

Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that Neymar was playing an online poker app during the festivities, much to the dismay of onlookers.

As family and friends gathered to clap and cheer for Mavie, Neymar’s attention seemed divided as he took his hand away from his daughter to interact with his phone, reportedly placing a bet.

The sight of Neymar engrossed in his phone rather than fully participating in the birthday celebration left many social media users shocked and disappointed.

Expressing their disapproval, one user took to social media to criticize Neymar’s actions, stating, “This guy is absolutely finished. Man is playing poker in the middle of his daughter’s birthday.”

The incident has sparked a debate among fans, with many expressing their disappointment in Neymar’s apparent lack of focus and prioritization during the special family occasion.

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