Boy gang raped by 6 men during initiation

The alleged rape of a 15-year-old boy has been disapproved by the Congress of Traditional Leaders of SA (Contralesa). The incident happened at one of the initiation schools in East London.

The Grade 10 learner was hospitalised after allegedly being gang raped by six men. He had undergone initiation and was circumcised during the winter.

It was sad to learn of such a horrific tragedy, according to Zolani Mkiva, the national general secretary of Contralesa.

He stated that it’s terrible and evidence that morality is vanishing daily. We won’t concentrate on the topic of regulations just now. What happened to this young man was the real deal. We express our anger at such heinous conduct. The law must take steps to apprehend the offenders and place them in the ugliest prisons.

Warrant Officer Majola Nkohli, a spokesman for the Eastern Cape police, stated that the case was initiated on Monday.

“The incident’s circumstances are being looked into as part of the investigation. Before making any arrests, police are doing additional investigations.

Petros Majola, a child rights activist with the Khula Community Development Project, said he questioned how a teenage boy ended up being an initiate under the conventional system of ulwaluko (a rite of passage into manhood).

“However, I am horrified to read he was gang raped and ended up in a hospital bed. He’s suffered some really bad injuries. He pointed out one person. The awful part, however, is that the offender is also a member of his family.

He continued by expressing his wish that the case will be given to the section that specialises in family violence, child protection, and sexual offenses.

“We anticipate further arrests, including those of the traditional doctor and traditional nurse who treated the youngster while he was still at initiation school. This boy was injured when he wanted to be a man, but instead of still enjoying childhood, he is now in the hospital.


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