ANC fires former MEC after she flirted with MK

The ANC in Mpumalanga has expelled former MEC of community safety, Gabisile Shongwe, following her decision to join the rival MK Party. 

Shongwe’s move has been met with swift action by the ANC, who accuse her of “prejudicing the integrity of the organisation.”

In a letter of expulsion, ANC Mpumalanga provincial secretary Muzi Chirwa stated that Shongwe’s appointment as fundraising manager for the MK Party constituted a violation of party rules. 

“The provincial disciplinary committee (PDC) found her guilty of prejudicing the integrity of the organisation by joining, participating in, and supporting the political activities of another party,” the letter read.

Shongwe, however, maintains that her expulsion is “absurd” as she had already left the ANC in January to join former president Jacob Zuma’s MK Party.

  She expressed her frustration with the ANC, stating, “I left the ANC as far back as January…because I was gatvol.”

Shongwe further revealed that she declined to attend the disciplinary hearing, asserting that she was no longer a member of the ANC and therefore not subject to their processes. 

“It was really surprising that they claimed to have expelled me from their party while they knew that I was already busy with MK Party’s campaigns and programmes,” she stated.

The fallout from Shongwe’s departure extends beyond her expulsion. 

The ANC also removed her from her position as chairperson of the human settlement, cooperative governance and traditional affairs portfolio committee in the Mpumalanga legislature.

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