Leeroy Sidambe accuses Mihlali Ndamase of attempted murder

Leeroy Sidambe has come out guns blazing to defend his name and reputation following physical assault allegation by his lover Mihlali Ndamase.

Sidambe took to social media to address the allegations leveled against him by telling his version of events that led to the assaulted and accused Ndamase of attempted murder and substance abuse.

The statement reads “I Dumezweni Leeroy Sidambe would like to address recent allegations that have surfaced on 04 August 2024 regarding gender-based violence against my partner Mihlali Ndamase.

I have always upheld the values of respect, equality in our relationship and interactions. It is disheartening to see how quickly misinformation and manipulation can spread and how easily someone’s character can be called into question without a thorough understanding of the facts.

As someone who has experienced the disturbing and hurtful impact of these issues personally, I empathize deeply with victims of gender-based violence.

On 04 August 2024 Mihlali Ndamase attempted to contacted me by placing a total of 78 calls of which I were not attended to as I had fallen asleep. Mihlali then arrived at my residence and persistently requested that my son open for her so she could see me.

Upon arriving as my son recollects, she headed to the kitchen to equip herself with a knife in the attempt of stabbing me as she allegedly was shown evidence of me being unfaithful.

Mihlali Ndamase then came to my bedroom as I was asleep to confront me for being unfaithful and attempted to stab me of which I then protected myself by pushing her away from me resulting in her sustaining her injuries as she made contact with the wall. My son then came to my rescue after hearing me shouting and pleading for Mihlali not to kill me.

With this being said I would like inform you all that Mihlali has a long history of physically assaulting me and damaging my property especially when she is under the influence of substances I cannot name.

It is important to note that there is a plethora of witnesses, children and bystanders whom can attest to me not ever laying a hand on her during l after any altercations but always deflecting and defending myself accordingly. It is unfortunate that Mihlali Ndamase would use her platform to spread these harmful allegations to ploy against my public image in the attempt of being revengeful.

l ensure you all that I will continue to cooperate fully with any inquiries especially from authorities to clear my name and restore my reputation from this.

Thank you for your understanding and for your support during this challenging time.

Dumezweni Leeroy Sidambe”

On Sunday, Mihlali revealed on Instagram that Leeroy had been physically abusive towards her,resulting in a violent altercation that left her with visible injuries.


Must read: Mihlali Ndamase allegedly assaulted by boyfriend Leeroy Sidambe

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