Watch: Social media detectives hard at work searching for couple that bought two Rolls Royce cars in Sandton

The controversial blogger Musa Khawula’s video of a couple purchasing two Rolls Royce cars has sparked a debate on social media.

While some people have praised the couple for their success and hard work, others have raised concerns about the source of their wealth.

Many users have called on the South African Revenue Service to investigate the couple to ensure that they have acquired their wealth through legal means.

One user commented, “I hope they paid their taxes on those cars. It’s important for everyone, regardless of their wealth, to contribute to society and follow the law.”

Another user added, “I admire their success, but I also wonder how they were able to afford two luxury cars. It’s important to ensure that everyone is playing by the rules.”

Despite the mixed reactions, the inspiring journey of the South African couple has gone viral, with many people applauding them for their hard work and determination.

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