Things get heated between Babes Wodumo and fashion designer after this happened

Babes Wodumo, whose real name is Bongekile Simelane, found herself embroiled in controversy after reports emerged that she had assaulted a fashion designer.

However, the popular singer has come forward to set the record straight regarding the incident, shedding light on what truly transpired.

The altercation stemmed from a situation where Babes Wodumo’s dancer had rented garments from the designer but failed to return them after use.

The frustrated designer expressed her disappointment, stating, “I have been seeing them wearing the clothes and posting. They have not returned the clothes as promised. They took about eight items which I could have sold. I am not looking for free publicity. I was being kind to them because they didn’t have money.”

The designer, identified as Philly, recounted the events that unfolded, revealing that Babes Wodumo arrived at the business premises with her father and entourage.

Despite reports claiming that the singer had attacked the designer, Babes Wodumo clarified the situation in an interview with Zimoja.

“This girl doesn’t know me. She has never seen me before and is using my name for clout,” Babes asserted.

She explained that the designer had falsely implicated her in the dispute with her dancers, leading to a heated exchange.

Babes recounted how the situation escalated, with the designer resorting to insults and profanities directed at both her and her father.

“I have never sworn at my father. I think she was drunk so I swore back at her. She just went on talking and screaming until we had to leave,” Babes Wodumo revealed, shedding light on the intense confrontation that transpired.

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