Guilty: Former Barcelona star Dani Alves to spend 4 and a half years in jail for toilet rape

Former Barcelona star Dani Alves has been found guilty of raping a woman in a Barcelona nightclub, resulting in a four and a half-year prison sentence.

The trial, which took place at Barcelona’s Audiencia Provincial Court, saw Alves vehemently denying the allegations and claiming that the encounter was consensual.

The incident in question occurred on December 30, 2022, when Alves was accused of assaulting a woman in a nightclub restroom.

While he admitted to engaging in sexual activity with the woman, he maintained that it was consensual.

Despite his defense, the court ruled against him, leading to his sentencing.

Throughout the trial, witnesses, including the alleged victim and experts, provided testimony regarding the events of that night.

The accuser recounted a harrowing experience where she felt coerced and intimidated by Alves, alleging that he became aggressive, physically abusive, and ultimately forced her to engage in sexual acts against her will.

Moreover, additional testimonies from the accuser’s friend and cousin suggested a pattern of inappropriate behavior by Alves, including groping and unwelcome advances towards them in the nightclub’s VIP area.

The prosecution painted a troubling picture of Alves’ conduct that evening, highlighting a series of disturbing actions leading up to the alleged assault.

In response to the verdict, Alves has been in pre-trial detention since his arrest in January 2023.

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