Another KZN Induna Falls Victim to Violence

The recent tragic killing of 42-year-old induna Nonina Mahlaba in KwaZulu-Natal has reignited calls for a comprehensive inquiry into the escalating violence against amakhosi and izinduna in the province.

The induna, associated with the Shabalala traditional authority, was ambushed at her home in Charlestown by unknown assailants, resulting in the loss of multiple lives.


The incident follows a disturbing pattern of targeted attacks on traditional leaders, prompting demands for urgent action.

Induna Nonina Mahlaba faced a horrifying ambush at her residence, where armed assailants unleashed a volley of shots.

Tragically, her 22-year-old son Thando Mahlaba, his friend Asanda Zikhali, 19, and a neighbor, Shonaphi Mbatha, 50, lost their lives in the crossfire.

Mahlaba bravely alerted neighbors during the attack, but the assailants continued firing, claiming more lives, including that of Mahlaba herself.

The KwaZulu-Natal department of cooperative governance and traditional affairs strongly condemned the attack, describing it as inhumane and unsettling.

The department issued a statement expressing deep concern over the loss of innocent lives and commending the bravery of neighbors who attempted to intervene.

The incident has heightened fears and added urgency to the ongoing calls for an inquiry into the targeted killings of traditional leaders.

A Disturbing Trend of Induna Slayings

The killing of Induna Nonina Mahlaba is the latest in a series of targeted attacks on traditional leaders in KwaZulu-Natal.

The province has witnessed 51 amakhosi and izinduna being assassinated in the past three years, with the motives behind these killings remaining unclear.

The disturbing trend raises questions about the safety and security of traditional leaders, prompting demands for a thorough investigation.

The tragic incident follows closely on the heels of the murder of another traditional leader, Inkosi Siphamandla Khumalo, and his wife.

The continued violence against amakhosi and izinduna has intensified calls for the establishment of a commission of inquiry.

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has been at the forefront of demanding such an inquiry, emphasizing the need for urgent intervention to address the alarming situation.

The IFP, the main opposition party in the KZN legislature, has criticized the provincial government for its perceived failure to protect traditional leaders.

Despite previous calls and promises, the proposed establishment of a Community Safety Intervention Unit, allocated R11.5-million, has not materialised.

Blessed Gwala, the IFP’s leader in the provincial legislature, urged the government to acknowledge its shortcomings and prioritize the safety of amakhosi.

If a commission of inquiry is established, it would be the second such effort in KwaZulu-Natal.

The Moerane Commission, initiated in 2016 to probe political killings, faced criticism for its lack of impact as its recommendations went unimplemented.

The continued violence against political figures suggests the need for more effective measures to ensure the safety of leaders and community members.

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