Tears roll down the cheeks of alleged insurance fraud killer

Alleged insurance fraud killer Agnes Segomotsi Setshwantsho was the staring in court as she wept bitterly while requesting bail.

During Friday’s hearing, her lawyer Nhlanhla Mahlangu reiterated his argument, stating that Setshwantsho’s health condition has worsened since her arrest.

He said, “My client requires specialized medical attention and being in prison puts her life at risk. She needs to be released on bail so that she can receive the necessary treatment.”

Mahlangu also highlighted the emotional toll that the case has taken on Setshwantsho, saying, “My client is devastated by the loss of her family members and has been deeply remorseful. She has shed countless tears over the past few months and is in desperate need of emotional support.”

The defense lawyer further argued that there is no evidence linking Setshwantsho to the alleged crimes.

He emphasized that the prosecution’s case is based on circumstantial evidence and speculation.

Mahlangu stated, “There is no concrete proof that my client committed these heinous acts. We urge the court to consider the lack of evidence and grant her bail.”

However, the state prosecutor vehemently opposed Setshwantsho’s release on bail, citing the seriousness of the charges against her.

The prosecutor argued, “The accused is charged with the brutal murder of her own family members. This is a grave offense that deserves the harshest punishment. Granting her bail would send the wrong message to society.”

The prosecutor also pointed out that Setshwantsho has a history of fraudulent activities, making her a flight risk.

“The accused has previously been involved in insurance fraud, indicating a pattern of deceit and manipulation. There is a high likelihood that she will abscond if granted bail,” the prosecutor stated.

After hearing the closing arguments, the magistrate reserved judgment on Setshwantsho’s bail application.

The decision is expected to be delivered in the coming weeks.

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