8 Nigerian nationals arrested for attacking police claim that they were beaten for no reason

The Kimberley Magistrates’ Court has denied bail to eight Nigerian nationals facing charges of malicious injury to property, interference with the law, assault, and public violence.

Eight Nigerian nationals in court

The accused—Onogu Nwaemeka, Kelecho Oken, Ebot Kennedy, Chijioke Steven, Charles Aknaji, Umemba Sophuru, Amajoyi Tochukwu, and Charles Okerie Onyedikashi—were apprehended following an attack on the Kimberley Police Station and South African Police Service officers.

The incident reportedly began when police arrested a fellow Nigerian, prompting the accused to demand his release.

Chaos ensued as the accused attacked the police and damaged state property. Specialized tactical police units were called in to manage the situation, leading to the arrest of the eight individuals. The case has been postponed to July 18, 2024, and the accused will appear in court via an Audio-Visual Remand System (AVR) for their next hearing.

The Nigerian Citizens South Africa (NICASA) denied all the allegations leveled against the eight suspects.

According to the organisation the group of Nigerians was attacked and beaten by police for no apparent reason, after they did not find any incriminating material at the their business premises.

The organization also claims that the windows were accidentally broken by one Nigerian national as he was trying to escape while the police were firing rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.


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