20-year-old prison guard caught red handed doing it with a prisoner just months after she landed the job

A prison guard could lose her job after she was caught red handed doing the sausage game with an inmate.

The incident has rocked the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office in Memphis, Tennessee, as a 20-year-old prison officer, Akira Jones, is now facing serious charges for engaging in sexual activity with an inmate while on duty.

This scandalous revelation comes just months after Akira landed her job as a corrections deputy in May 2023, making it a swift downfall for the young officer.

The New York Post reported that a comprehensive internal investigation, spanning several weeks, uncovered the illicit relationship between Akira and an inmate at the main county jail, known as 201 Poplar.

The investigation was triggered by a complaint lodged against Akira in December, raising concerns about the nature of her interactions with the inmate.

Following the complaint, Akira was immediately placed on leave, and the sheriff’s office launched a criminal investigation into the matter.

The investigation ultimately led to Akira’s arrest on February 6th, with charges filed against her for engaging in sexual contact with prisoners.

The gravity of the charges reflects the severity of the situation and the breach of professional conduct that occurred under Akira’s watch.

This scandal has not only tarnished Akira’s reputation but has also cast a shadow over the law enforcement agency where she was employed.

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